Reactive Dog Classes
Reactive Dog 1 & 2 Classes
Learn how to calm, alter and re-shape your dog’s reactive displays using practical applications that work!
Does your dog “react” to other dogs? Does he bark or lunge at the end of the leash? Is he aggressive with people?
Using techniques from Emma Parson’s book Click to Calm: Healing the Aggressive Dog, we will teach you how to:
- Desensitize your dog to approaching strange dogs
- Take hold of your dog’s collar without being bitten
- Teach your dog to perform canine calming signals on cue
- Use your body language when under stress to cue your dog to remain calm
Emma recently released a new version of her game-changing Click to Calm. We suggest purchasing a copy to help you with your modification work. You can currently find her new book here:
The New Click to Calm: Solutions for All Dogs in a Challenging World